King Foam FP Insoles



AUS Men's | Women's size
This option is required
M3/3.5 | W 5/5.5 M4/4.5 | W 6/6.5 M 5/5.5 | W 7/7.5 M6/6.5 | W8/8.5 M7/7.5 | W9/9.5 M8/8.5 | W10/10.5 M9/9.5 | W 11/11.5 M10/10.5 | W12/12.5 M 11/11.5 | W 13/13.5 M 12/12.5 | W 14/14.5 Large (M 10-14.5 /W 10-16) Medium (M 5-10.5/ W 7-12.5) Small (M 3-8 / W 5-10)
This option is required
3mm 5mm 7mm
This option is required
Biebel King of Hollywood Colours Collectiv Dane Burman Atlas East VS. West Funkysaurus Green camo Jaws Feet Jaws Mushroom Jaws OG Joey Brezinski Burrito Joey Brezinski Street art Kevin Romar Kittybabe Girl LA Skateclub Otaku Red Camo Skeleton Black Skeleton Red Will Barass
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SKU: KFI Categories: ,


Product Short Summary:

  • Trim to fit! Get any size the same or larger than yours!

  • Compatible with all foot types
  • Trimmable- if your size is out, get one size up and trim with scissors.
  • Best for mid to high arch
  • Absorbs 91% of impact energy in lab testing compared to 53% in other “performance” insoles (ASTM F 1614 -1999)
  • Our proprietary material in the exact same formulation is used by NASA on the ISS for sensitive electronics protection


For women’s sizing, simply add 2 sizes up. Ex. A men’s 4 is a women’s 6.

Not sure which insole is right for you? Visit the buying guide at


A simple stock insole replacement.

  • Works for all foot types but recommended for mid to high arch.
  • Simply replace stock insoles
  • Trim to fit if needed
  • Use in shoes with 4-6mm thick ?stock insoles

Not sure which insole is right for you? Visit the buying guide at FPinsoles


  • Designed to trim to fit.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 12 × 4 × 3 in
AUS Men's | Women's size

M3/3.5 | W 5/5.5, M4/4.5 | W 6/6.5, M 5/5.5 | W 7/7.5, M6/6.5 | W8/8.5, M7/7.5 | W9/9.5, M8/8.5 | W10/10.5, M9/9.5 | W 11/11.5, M10/10.5 | W12/12.5, M 11/11.5 | W 13/13.5, M 12/12.5 | W 14/14.5, Large (M 10-14.5 /W 10-16), Medium (M 5-10.5/ W 7-12.5), Small (M 3-8 / W 5-10)


Beach, Biebel King of Hollywood, Brezinski Flat Earth, Burman Greetings, Colours Collectiv, Colours Collectiv Camo, Dane Burman, Dane Burman Atlas, East VS. West, Felipe Gustavo Illuminist, FP Camo, Funkysaurus, Green camo, Gustavo Brasa, Jaws Feet, Jaws Mushroom, Jaws OG, Jaws Robot, Jaws Splat, Jaws Zombie, Joey Brezinski Burrito, Joey Brezinski Street art, Kevin Romar, Kittybabe Girl, KRC Kevin Romar, LA Skateclub, Leon Karssen, LRG Lifted Research Group, Neen Williams, Otaku, Paul Hart, Red Camo, Skeleton Black, Skeleton Red, Stripes, Super Shmatty, Will Barass, Will Barras City


3mm, 5mm, 7mm


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